Nicole Rush Naturopathic Doctor London Ontario

#wintergoals: Vitamin D

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

As I head off to sunny California for a week, I’m thinking “what better to write about than to sing my praises to the sun!

It’s about Vitamin D, you guys.  It really is the best, and for reasons you probably didn’t even know!  Which is what I’m here for. 

In my practice this year, I have seen an overwhelming number of patients with vitamin D deficiency.  And that is only counting the patients I have tested.  I would imagine that if I tested more patients, the trend would continue to be seen.  Why-oh-why does such a phenomenon exist?!  I did a little digging, and found out that those of us who reside in London get less sun than even our neighbours in other cities in Ontario – 300 hours less sunlight per year than our pals in the T-Dot!  

But Canadians in general need to think about their vitamin D levels, as half the year (at least it feels like it) we are bundled up so much when we are outside that only our faces are showing!  Which means, only that small surface area of skin to soak up the sun and produce vitamin D for us. 

So read on, and get your vitamin D levels tested every winter.  Your naturopathic doctor would be happy to test it for you.  It’s not covered by OHIP anymore, but you can also request it from your MD (it will cost you roughly $40 no matter who tests it).

Top 5 Best Things the Sunshine Vitamin Does for Us:


–Supports happy mood and prevents depression. It also supports brain health and prevents cognitive decline.


–Supports the mitochondria – the energy powerhouse of our cells.  It regulates hundreds of genes involved in different biological processes. 

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash


–Essential for healthy regulation of calcium levels in our body.  Healthy vitamin D levels prevent osteoporosis.


–Supports our body’s ability to fight off viral infections, and also prevents auto-immune activity in the body.  Also preventative against cancer by mitigating against uncontrolled replication of unhealthy cells.


–Supports healthy insulin secretion from the pancreas to properly balance blood sugar levels. 

~Dr. Rush, ND

Stephanie Braconnier

Stephanie Braconnier is the founding principal of FUTURE LANDSCAPES Design + Visualization, a design studio that creates custom, compelling landscape architecture visuals and graphics to clients in Vancouver, Toronto and abroad.